Fruits for glowing skin

Fruits for glowing skin

Just when you think you have enough problems to deal with, your skin starts acting weird. You look in the mirror and see dull and pigmented skin or an acne-filled face staring back at you. But why is your skin screaming for help?  Is it due to dust, pollution, radiation, or chemicals? Here’s what I have to say…

Harsh but true, your skin is the victim of your poor lifestyle choices and ignorance (and dust and pollution). Maybe you are not blessed with the “perfect skin” genes, but you can turn that around if pay attention to what you eat and what you apply to your skin. And the best way to rejuvenate your skin is to consume fruits and apply a fruit mask every alternate day. Invest 10 minutes of your time every day in doing this and see a visible difference in two weeks’ time.

Fruit and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that help to protect skin from the cellular damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals, smoking, pollution and sunlight can cause wrinkling and age spots. Eat a rainbow of colourful fruit and vegetables and aim for at least five portions a day.

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